I always thought that I must have a very bad metabolism.
Why? Because I could eat a lot for a while and then I ate less ( yes, yes, yoyo ).
I was reading atricles saying that this behavior makes our metabolism very bad.
Hm, if my metabolism is very bad, I should not try to loose weight, because it is just not possible.
This was always my best excuse. I didn't feel like trying since I knew I would fail.
Then when I tried and was hungry for junk food, my excuse was that I have to eat that to boost my metabolism!
And then I decided to check myself how bad my metabolism really was...and I realized it is normal as long as I do the right thing.
I started to drink a glass of warm water ( with a lot of lemon and honey ) every day before breakfast.
I was so surprised with the results!
Try to do that every day and see if that works!
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