Wednesday, February 1, 2012


We all know the taste of warm bread in the restaurant.  Some like to eat that with olive oil, some with butter.  I don't know any single person that does not like it!

We sit at the table, talk to our friends and then comes the warm bread!  We grab it without thinking...

I could never resist it!  I promised myself so many times that I would not touch the bread and it never worked. 

Of course I could not eat just a little...I had to eat till the basket was empty!

One day my husband and I had friends visiting us, so we decided to take them to our favourite restaurant (with delicious bread).

I wanted to go but was afraid to eat too much...

I told my husband that I want to eat healthy and knew that this dinner might ruin all my efford.

He on the other hand, loves wine.  For him, steak without red wine is a waste...but he promised me that will not have any wine if I don't eat the bread.

I could not believe that he was able to do that for me!

It was so hard not to eat this bread...

However, I was looking at my husband drinking soda ( he didn't have to but did that for me )  and it helped me a lot!

Sometimes we say that something is just not possible to do...but we have to try, try to challenge ourselves to see...


  1. Oh I forgot about bread and olive oil..YUM!! That IS hard to resist! Way to go!! Keep up the great work!

    Stay focused!

  2. It helps when your loved ones support you like that. Saying they want to help and telling you "Good job" is great, but when they do things like he did and avoid things tempting to you is fantastic. :-)

  3. I know that is why I love him so much ;-)

    Thank you!
